Polled Herefords For Sale
We offer yearling heifers and bulls after the first of the year for breeding stock replacement.
The heifers are “cowy” and are chosen for production, good udder quality and disposition. Marty says his females are guaranteed not to boost cattleman at calving time!
All yearling heifers have been sold in 2024.
The sale animal pictures show them in their everyday working clothes. They are not heavily grained or fitted and clipped for show.
Our yearling bulls are selected for production, maternal history and disposition. We semen test the bulls in May. The bulls are put on pasture in late March or early April, with some hay, hand fed a small amount of grain and handled as much as possible. These bulls are pasture fit at breeding time and ready to cover ground!
As of 4/24, one yearling bull is available.
Trusty our present 3 year-old calving ease herd bull is available.